At a glance
Aspiring to help bring products and services to life through customer and operational support, the client has partnered with AMS since 2020, to source and screen 70 to 80 online advertising platform operators per year.
The challenge
The client is looking to hire approximately 1,200 junior-mid level specialists per year and is expecting volumes to more than double in 2023, resulting in over 5,000 hires over the next two years. With that, the client sought AMS’ support to improve its recruitment processes to better manage the increased hiring volumes.
The solution
In April 2022, a three-month pilot programme was launched to optimise the screening process for around 150 hires. Aimed at improving efficiency and reducing input from client stakeholders, the two main features of the pilot are:
- Automated language testing powered by Versant: This eliminated the need for recruiters to manually test candidates for language and accent, and ensured AMS submissions met the requirements.
- Enhanced Sourcer screening: Skill and aptitude testing was deployed on prospective employees to identify the three strongest prospects. These were submitted directly to the hiring manager, removing the need for recruiters to undertake assessments on multiple candidates.
As the pilot progressed, AMS further supported in recruitment coordination, enabling the client’s inhouse team to fast-track interviews, saving 40 person hours. Offer management was also provided to reduce input from the client team by 10 person hours. Daily progress was tracked by automated reporting.
The impact
Over 800 candidates were processed in the three-month pilot programme, resulting in 134 offers.
Other positive outcomes include:
- Reduction in client input: The main aim is to save time and improve efficiency. A total of 1,667 person hours was saved, enabling the client to focus on other deliverables while high-quality candidates were processed.
- Improved conversion ratios: The preceding process was complex and slow, and it led to a high drop-out rate. AMS attained a 17.5% submission-offer ratio, compared to the 2% pass-through previously.
- Cost reduction: The pilot demonstrated the potential for millions of rupees in savings.
- Improved candidate quality and experience: By providing a more efficient process and a single point of contact, AMS was able to enhance candidate engagement and capture a greater share of the high quality talent.
The client has taken AMS’ processes inhouse, incorporating the changes and deploying SHL assessments based on the successful approach. Options for further scope expansion were also in discussion, including Recruitment Augmentation and Early Career and Campus options.