Environmental Statement
Our relationship with the environment
AMS recognises that as a global company, our activities have an impact on the environment. As a service provider, these mainly relate to our use of energy and the resulting greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the waste we produce and natural resources we consume. We can also have a positive impact on the environment through our relationships with responsible suppliers and clients who share our views and aspirations.
We pride ourselves on being an environmentally responsible organisation and have committed to becoming Carbon Neutral by 2025 and Carbon Net Zero by 2050 by driving down our carbon emissions by continually improving our environmental performance and preventing pollution. We support and comply with all environmental legislation and advocate a precautionary approach regarding environmental concerns.
Across AMS, we focus our activities on the six United Nations Sustainable Development Goals where we believe we can have most impact: gender equality; reduced inequalities; decent work and economic growth; good health and wellbeing; affordable and clean energy and climate action. In relation to the last two goals our objectives are to reduce our impact on the environment by:
· Complying with all applicable environmental laws and regulations
· Reducing energy use, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Supporting innovative technical solutions as well as empowering our staff to make real changes
· Minimising our waste by reducing the amount we produce and recycling at all opportunities
· Reducing the impact of the goods we procure and natural resources we use through our Procurement policy, working with our 3rd party suppliers to understand their own impact on the environment through out 3rd party assurance programmes
· Monitoring climate-related risks, including climate-related financial risks, to ensure resilience and adaptability in our operations
· Using our influence to promote sustainability in both our supply chain and through our relationships with employees, clients and business partners
Our objectives support our Carbon Reduction Plan to be carbon net zero by 2050. Further information can be found here.
Detailed objectives and targets are developed as part of our certification towards the ISO 14001:2015 standard. During annual formal reviews the status of previous objectives are considered, along with current priorities. These are recorded, monitored and updated to ensure continual improvement of our environmental management system to enhance AMS’ environmental performance.
At AMS, we believe that our people are the foundation of our success, not just in our business operations but also in our drive to improve environmental performance. As a result, our people are fully involved in our environmental programmes. At a local level, we have dedicated environmental awareness schemes and are fully supportive of employee-led initiatives.
This policy is intended to be sustainable and integrated into our day-to-day business practices. As such, this statement is communicated to all staff members and is also available to the public.
Signed by: Gordon Bull – Chief Legal, Risk & Compliance Officer
Sites certified to ISO 14001:2015 are London.
Sites operating to ISO 14001:2015 are Krakow, Gdansk, Cleveland, Monterrey, Belfast, Manila